HOLIDAY SAVINGS!!! Nursing Covers: 1 for $20 or 2 for $35!!

For a limited time only we are offering a fantastic offer on our nursing covers. Buy one for $20 or two for $35!!! Normal retail is $29.99. Buy one for you and another as a gift, or get two different stylish covers for yourself!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nursing Covers

Feel Comfortable nursing in public!

As a mom you want what's best for your baby, and honestly YOU have that! Nursing your baby is so healthy for both you and your baby. Your baby gets vitamins and much needed immunities from your breast milk and the more you nurse, the quicker you slim down back to your pre-pregnancy weight!!

Nursing is a Win-Win situation, unless you feel uncomfortable doing it! Our nursing covers allow you to nurse in public without feeling like you're showing yourself off to the world. With flexible bowing at the top you have a peep hole so you (and only you) can see your baby. And no matter how hard your little one tugs at the cover it stays securely around your neck and around your body! They are lightweight cotton fabric allowing air to circulate.

What sets our nursing covers apart is the length. They are substantially longer than hooter hiders and cover yourself and your baby much better!

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